O uso do Plenário Virtual do Supremo Tribunal Federal: Análise da Nova Dinâmica Deliberativa

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Thales Palrinhas Pinto


  • Professor Felipe Fonte




  • Direito Rio – Escola de Direito Rio de Janeiro

In recent years, the Brazilian Supreme Court has actively played a pivotal role in significant episodes of the country's history, drawing considerable attention to the court's decision-making processes and its justices. Concurrently, from 2016 to 2022, a noteworthy transformation occurred within the Court's operations: the expansion of the use of the Virtual Plenary, facilitating asynchronous judgments within a virtual environment. While much of the impact of this change remains undiscovered, it has not deterred the formulation of inquiries to comprehend the new deliberative and decision-making dynamics of the STF. Through our research, we unraveled the workings of this novel deliberative dynamic, along with its practical implications, quantifiable through data and statistics provided by the Court. We also explored the ramifications on how the
Supreme Court now determines and deliberates cases within its jurisdiction. Our investigation leveraged electronically accessible empirical data from the STF and critical references from Brazilian legal doctrine to discuss hypotheses and theses, along with their respective critiques, leading us to conclusive insights. While this transformation may enhance the efficiency of the Supreme Court, it may also signify a departure from its initial